
Thanks Rita! Sharing is always appreciated!!

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Heh, heh. You a jive turkey. But I dare say, like any tidy chef you deplore left-overs and feel compelled to wrap them into a panegyric on comestibles. Wow! A whole new dish! Right up there with slumgullion! Maybe even corned beef hash! Somehow better if travelled a bit.


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Hey Jon--maybe I should expand this with added meats--we could do a lot with that corned beef hash I bet!

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Dorothy I completely enjoyed this little tidbit. I can see you seated at your keyboard, mind juxtaposing from there to here and back again, Greg in the kitchen kneading bread and laughing out loud. This sums up your magical existence so completely and I sit here smiling, and totally charmed. Oh, and of course a ghecko chirps from the corner.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Dorothy Patent

I'VE ALREADY SHARED IT WITH MY FAMILY. Betcha no one else has ever thought of these relationships! I loved reading it a second time. Happy New Year to you two, too. Rita

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Dorothy Patent

I'm still laughing! Happy New Year!

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Dorothy Patent

Such joyful writing…chock full of wit from wise pen! Thanks for sharing, Dorothy. Happy New Year!

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I love this, Dorothy! I regret that I was not ever able to get to Greenbrier for those amazing conferences.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Dorothy Patent

What a fun "find" and I really appreciate being able to read it! It brings back so many fun memories of our years together in Missoula! Happy New Year to you both!

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Thanks, Diane! I’m glad you enjoyed it 😎

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Dorothy Patent

Love it! It's like going through boxes of old papers and finding all kinds of treasures!

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Absolutely! Especially if you have old family letters from one relative to another that tell you stories you didn’t know!

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Good luck declaring! And fyi Food Guys is available as a podcast. Go to Thebakingwizard.com and click on “podcasts “ and they are all there!

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Oh my goodness, I only just made the connection that your husband is one of The Food Guys! Love that show. And your little piece. I, too, am in the middle of decluttering - though of my entire house and not my computer (yet).

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Now that it's the new year, I've decided to choose 3 'things' to strike off my list each day, instead of having a list so long that I get discourage and nothing gets done. FYI you can listen to Food Guys from Greg's website, The Baking Wizard; just click on Podcasts.

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